Career and Pathways Hub
The St James College Career and Pathways Hub provides information and guidance to students establishing pathways to study and employment.
Students are asked to "Choose, Commit, and Connect", choose a pathway, commit to their studies and connect to work skills experience to ensure they have a strategic edge over other candidates when they leave school.
Careers Advisers
Students can make an appointment directly with the careers counsellor or the director of learning, innovation and pathways for careers advice.
At these appointments, students can receive advice about Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) applications, school-based traineeships and apprenticeships (STAs), TAFE Queensland options, external vocational education and training (VET) opportunities, subject changes, and pathway planning. Students are also connected to work experience opportunities relevant to their study and interests.
School-based traineeships and apprenticeships
St James College provides opportunities for students in Years 10-12 to complete a school-based traineeship, school-based apprenticeship, and other traineeships while still at school.
These programs progress towards a nationally recognised qualification and contribute to the Queensland Certificate of Education.